Our Story
Our People

Dedicated to making a difference in governance practices.

Governance Junction

Helping Not For Profit organisations achieve greater levels of corporate governance.

Governance Junction was founded by Judy Brown and Derek Lundberg. With over twenty years’ experience working with Not For Profit (NFP) organisations, in 2022 Judy and Derek came together with the common purpose of helping NFP organisations achieve greater levels of corporate governance.

Both Judy and Derek have held numerous executive and non-executive Board positions on both commercial and Not For Profit Boards. Through this experience, they both saw the frustration and difficulty in not-for-profits trying to meet their governance objectives and obligations. Particularly in an increasingly regulated environment, where the solutions available were often expensive and layered in jargon.

Judy, Derek and their team of associates greatly admire the wonderful people who volunteer their time to the valuable work of sitting on the Boards and Committees of Not for Profit organisations and charities. They know that solid corporate governance can be achieved without getting in the way of their clients achieving their important objectives within society. In fact, they can show you how governance can enable outstanding results.

Judy Brown

Judy Brown


Judy is a qualified Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Accounting and has been delivering accounting and auditing services to Not For Profit organisations for many years.

Derek Lundberg

Derek Lundburg


Derek has a number a business degrees including an MBA and a Doctorate in Business Strategy and Decision Making. He has held positions of Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, and Company Secretary in numerous Not For Profit organisations. Derek is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.