Education, Advice
& Advocacy

Pragmatic compliance and governance solutions which see charities and not for profits succeed. 

Governance Junction

Governance Junction provide education and training that will help you become a better leader or board member.

at governance junction we're committed to:

  • Raising awareness of the distinction of the roles between governance and managing, the duties of Boards and Committees and of the individuals who make these up.
  • Educating individuals on best practice governance. This ranges from the explicit such as duties and responsibilities, to the achievement of great debate and decision-making in the Boardroom.
  • Developing the culture of the governance layer, which is imperative to making it stick and aligning your Board, committee, operation to your organisation’s goals and objectives.

We achieve this by providing:

  • Advice: we are available to come and examine your governance elements and make recommendations as to change.
  • Development: provide services to assist in the development of Boards/Committees, their individual members and the culture
  • Training: our courses are delivered as standard against timetable or customised to your requirements.You can find a sample of the training courses we offer below.

Our Courses

This course covers the basic concepts and questions around corporate governance including:

  • the differences between the different NFP structures
  • the concept of incorporation and what this means
  • the role of the Board/Committee
  • delineation between members, boards and managers the regulators and governance standards
  • the constitution
  • DGR status

Probably the most important of course in the series. This course covers focuses on the duties of Directors and what Directors need to do to fulfil them.

  • The fiduciary relationship
  • Who is a Director/Committee Member?
  • Director duties (with some case studies)
  • How to fulfil your duties as a Director

Examines the make-up of NFP Boards and committees. It discusses:

  • Size of an NFP Board/Committee
  • Achieving balance and independence
  • Director competencies
  • Skills and experience (the skills matrix)
  • Recruitment and selection

Within this course we look at the mechanics of running effective Boards and Board meetings and the use of subcommittees.

  • Running effective Board meetings
    • The Board charter
    • The Board calendar
    • The agenda
    • The Board papers
    • The minutes
    • Using subcommittees

Within this course we discuss the importance of establishing a constructive Board culture and how the Board sets the tone from top in terms of the organisational culture.

  • Creating a constructive Board culture
  • The Board’s role in creating the organisational culture
  • Board’s relationship with management – delegations & limits of authority
  • Evaluating the Board’s performance

Focusing on the key point that there is a responsibility for all directors, regardless of their skills and backgrounds,  to take an active inquiry as to the finances of the NFP and not simply rely on others. It finishes with pointers as to how Directors can develop these skills without everyone becoming accountants.

  • Accounting vs. finance vs. economics
  • Financial statements
  • Budgets
  • Financial reporting requirements
  • Directors' declaration
  • Internal controls
  • Audits and auditors
  • Solvency
  • What non-financial Board/Committee members should do to build their skills

Although Directors do not need detailed legal knowledge or legal experience, they do need to be aware of the internal and external legal environment that their organisation operates and how the organisation is meeting those obligations.

  • Internal legal environment – how the organisation governs itself
  • External legal environment – external laws and regulations. We discuss some of the regulatory issues that often impact an NFP.
  • Protections for Directors.
  • What should Directors do.

Many NFPs are required to comply with the Privacy Act. Sadly, many are unaware of what this means and how to comply. This course examined one of the many statutory obligations of NFPs  at the legal environment within which NFP organisations operate.

  • Understanding of the Privacy Act and its applicability
  • Developing a Privacy Policy
  • Inducting staff correctly.
  • What to do when a data breach occurs.

NFPs are on the radar with regard to AML/ATF. This program looks at what you can do to protect yourself when dealing with overseas transactions. We also examine Modern Slavery and your requirements to meet this obligation.

  • Understanding of AML/ATF and its applicability
  • What you need to do to take “reasonable steps”
  • Modern Slavery

This unit discusses the role of the Board in strategy and looks closely at decision-making. This is of course the key role of the Board/Committee

  • Achieve common definitions of Strategy.
  • To understand the Board’s role in setting Strategy
  • Decision-making what makes for a good or poor decision?

The key function of a Board is to make decisions. Decisions must be made however within a risk framework. This course discusses the role of the Board in managing risk. (This program should be completed after Strategy and Decision-making for Boards).

  • Achieve common definitions of Risk.
  • To understand the Board’s role in managing Risk
  • The risk appetite
  • Risk dimensions
Book your training

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to discuss your governance needs.

We look forward to working with you.